Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Organisation of Netting and the roof structure

Going from the advice given to me to use a net in order to create my modular pieces, I have been taking the mock up Dougong structure I did and tested to see how well it would fit into a square net. Below is a small square net placed over a topdown view of the structure. As you can see that the structure itself is relatively symmetrical and so changing its organisation somewhat would then create an easier modulated kit. This would require a small amount of adjustments but would be a worthwhile investment of my time in the long run.

The roof structure is one of the most difficult pieces to construct. I haven't found many diagrams or pictures as to how they made the corner parts of their roofs so I plan on designing a specific modular part that will act as a corner piece so that a level designer can create a variety of houses with a corner joint. This piece may be one of the most polygon heavy pieces as it has a lot of geometry that I don't think I could construct any other way. The corner piece could be broken down further but then would not feel as modular as the other pieces. This would be because it would require the player to make a corner piece from 4 different pieces instead of one. This would also take away the usefulness and speed that a modular kit would give to the level designer.

To begin with roof I put the design of the main building together how they would be when a corner is formed, from here I then chose the way in which I desired the roof to collide. From this design below you can see the method in which I want the roof to attach to each other.

This piece of roof connection is know as a 'Gable' roof structure.

Two pieces where a corner need to connect

This is general design of how I want the corner piece to look

This is how the corner piece will look when it's completed and fitted within the other pieces.

This below is a brief illustration of how the roof will sit on the structure. The plan is to have a small amount of dougong visible from the top as from the inspection of other houses, this tends to be the case with dougong based structures. That they show off the structure and colours of wood from the outside

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