Saturday, 19 April 2014

Nearing completion of modelling process

The modelling process is nearing completion and i'm nearing the unwrapping section. I am feeling that the process is going well, although I don't have much time left to complete the whole dissertation, the models and their structures are as modular as I can make them.

The rule that I have had to keep by is that each objects parameters must be a factor of 16 or at least the centre of the vertices must end on a multiple of 16. This has come in handy as I set the scale factor in UDK to 16 so that the pieces literally snap together. From this I have also found issues with certain elements.

Here you can see an error with the building connector element.
This is a small screenshot from UDK. Here you can see that there was an error in the model calculations. However when I checked the model dimensions the maths was correct and also the models vertices were each on the perfect spot. This took a few hours to figure out, but in fact it was just a 3dsMax glitch and after re importing the model from a separate file, the error disappeared.

Here is the corner piece in UDK still showing the error
Now, the piece is corrected and all the walls join seamlessly. The corner piece of the wall is also finished after an extensive amount of maths. I must admit that during this whole dissertation, I have found that the extensive and handy use of post-it notes during modelling something so complex in maths a big help. Here is a small note on the maths for the corner piece on it's own.

On the left is a few notes on the construction of the corner piece and to the right a list of factors of 16

As an outcome, here is a print-screen of the final corner piece in a position it could be in during the level editing phase.

In this picture you can also see the scale of the 3 piece building compared to the original mock up model (in red). If anyone could remember from the first mock up, the size of the building was so small that it felt too cramped to walk around as a game character.

Here a print screen of the whole models in the kit so far, there are some models which are there for reference and will be remove before the end. At the top it says there over 41k polygons in the scene, although this total is getting close to the  maximum of 45k polygons, the mock model itself is 12k polys and will be removed soon thus would bring my total down a lot more.

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