I have now completed the diffuse texturing process and have still to do a set of specular maps for the models. As of now here is a quick screenshot of a UVW unwrap and it textured fully with a diffuse.
Here you can see I've put emphasis on the grain of the wood, the majority of the objects are placed along similar grains to save time during this process of texturing.
Here you can also see the texture of the tiles that I've begun to complete. The detailed dragon was taken off of a picture of an already existing Chinese tile, which can be seen here...
I changed the colour values to match the tone of roof I desired for my models, which was a swampy green. This was done with the colourise function within Adobe Photoshop.
Unfortunately I don't enough time to complete a set of normal maps for the models as I've run out of time for this process which I really wanted to complete. It was a goal I set myself If I had more time but unfortunately I can't.
Some of the grass pieces I used seem less textures which I also found helpful online, they were also free to use and can be found here...
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